The Brest-Belarus Group
Also: Divin, Drogichin, Khomsk, Malech, Telechany
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Troisky Church
First stop was at the Troisky Polish Roman Catholic Church once a great church with connections to the last King of Poland. Now it stands in ruins and just the outside shell of the building remains. We did not explore inside. Our understanding is this church was used as part of the Ghetto in the war and Jews were held here.

volchin photo
Front of Troisky Church

volchin photo
Side of Troisky Church

Editor's Notes: this church was used as part of the Ghetto -- This use cannot be confirmed. This church was a distance away from the site of the Ghetto. By contrast, the Volchin Russian Orthodox Church was in the midst of the Jewish community and adjacent to the Ghetto fence when it was built. It is said that this church was used as a temporary detention facility before the Ghetto was established.

Page Last Updated: 30-Jun-2011